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“Ping Pong Therapy”

PING PONG FOR GOOD is the first to work with experts in Brain Health, Fitness, and Table Tennis to develop “Ping Pong Therapy,” a library of ping pong-inspired exercises and drills to stay physically and cognitively stimulated. Meet our Experts

This series of challenging and fun exercises incorporate aspects of the game of ping pong that may improve balance, hand/eye coordination, increase cognitive and physical engagement while aiming to improve skills for your ping pong game.

These moves include bodyweight exercises, drills using a paddle and a ball, and with or without a table or ping pong robot. They can be practiced alone, with a partner, and even in virtual reality.


Watch an Introduction to “Ping Pong Therapy” below:


Learn the Basics

Ping Pong 101 from JOOLA

Access a full library of tutorials from the pros at JOOLA to take your game to the next level.

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PPG Therapy Tutorials


Drills with a paddle and ball:

More videos coming soon!

These tutorials are not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your doctor, physical therapist, or fitness professional and to ensure you are cleared for an online exercise program without supervision and if these exercises are appropriate for you.

Watch the video for variations based on mobility and ability which include how to do the drills from a seated position, with assistance utilizing a chair, wall or person along with other tips so you can progress safely to the next level of difficulty.

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Ball Tossing

Variations tossing a ball:

  • Ball tossing hand to hand

  • Extend away from the body

  • Forward and back

  • Bounce off a wall

  • Head turns (head turns with eyes with ball)

  • With visual fixations (eyes stay on the ball as head turns)


Basic Ball Tossing - The Basics

Ball Tossing PPG Therapy Demo


Ball Balancing - Static

Variations balancing a ball on the paddle:

  • With a hand covering the ball - “The Cage”

  • With decreasing base support

    • Feet hip distance apart

    • feet closer together

    • Feet together

    • Semi tandem stance

    • Full tandem stance

    • Single leg supported

    • Static or Dynamic



The Cage - The Basics

The Cage - Variations

PPG Therapy - The Cage Demo

Static Ball Balancing - Static

PPG Therapy - Static Ball Balancing Demo


Ball Balancing - Dynamic

  • With Marches 

  • Tiny steps, higher knees, faster feet, super slow motion

  • Steps left to right, forward and back, diagonal, the clock, big and small steps 

  • With Turns  1/4, an 1/2 (gaze stabilization), full turn (very challenging), 

  • Stepping and marching variations with turns. 

Important!:  Stop if you become dizzy.


Dynamic Ball Balancing

PPG Therapy Dynamic Ball Balancing Demo


Ball  Bouncing - Static

  • Increasing # of bounces from 1 to 10

  • Bounce, catch, flip

  • Bounce, flip, bounce, catch

  • Bounce until failure

  • Feet together, semi tandem, full tandem

  • Single leg


Static Ball Bouncing

PPG Therapy Static Ball Bouncing Demo


Ball Bouncing - Dynamic

  • Stepping in multiple directions 

  • Marching in place

  • Marching with turns

  • Marching ambulatory