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Ping Pong.
The Perfect Brain Game.

Ping Pong for Good is a movement for brain health. We're on a mission to improve the lives of those living with neurological conditions and to help people maintain better brain health as they age. With your support, we can achieve the following objectives:

  • Raise awareness about the importance of exercise, brain health, and the many therapeutic benefits of playing ping pong, especially for those living with neurological conditions

  • Widespread adoption of ping pong as exercise and therapy, especially for the treatment of neurological conditions and for active aging. We envision Ping Pong Therapy in physical therapy offices, rehabilitation centers & assisted living facilities and Ping Pong Fitness activated in schools, gyms, YMCA’s & community centers.

  • Make playing ping pong accessible to all, anytime, anywhere, intergenerationally

  • Support clinical research to develop more protocols of treatment and widespread adoption



THE LEAGUE is a community of monthly donors who are champions for all who are impacted by degenerative brain disorders and decline, and the people who love them.

Our community plays an active role in helping to raise awareness about the importance of brain health, exercise, and the many benefits of ping pong!


Ping Pong Therapy 

In Spring 2021, PPG launched its pilot program at the Pacific Brain Health Center in Santa Monica, where patients engage in Ping Pong Therapy amidst an outpatient rehabilitation experience.

Individuals interested in optimizing cognitive and memory function or improving symptoms relating to Parkinson's, dementia, mild cognitive impairment, balance issues MS could benefit from this program, with the potential for future research.


Populations Who Can Benefit From Ping Pong:

Parkinson’s Disease

Dementia & Alzheimer’s

Multiple Sclerosis

Active Aging


Traumatic Brain Injury



Balance Problems

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 Why Support Ping Pong for Good?

Our programs include recreational, therapeutic, social, and virtual play with protocols for treatment, sport, and research. We’re making the benefits of playing ping pong in all its forms accessible to all. 
Our coaching programs drive widespread adoption of ping pong as physical therapy and part of an overall fitness program.

45 Million

Older adults age 65+
living in the US

1 in 5

Americans projected
to be 65+ by 2030


The world is facing an epidemic of cognitive decline, with neurodegenerative diseases exponentially on the rise. Research demonstrates that exercise may be one of the most powerful tools to slow down and prevent it. This initiative will:

  • Promote active aging

  • Support those living with brain diseases

  • Reduce the costs of aging


Our Partners Include:

Table Tennis Experts and Equipment Providers, Professional Athletes, Sport Fans, Medical Professionals and Institutions, Health & Wellness experts, Active Aging & Geriatric Experts Pharmaceutical Companies, Technology Leaders and more!

Become A Partner!


Why Play?

Experts agree that enhancing brain health is one of the most significant advantages of playing ping pong because it triggers neurological pathways throughout the body. The speed, projection and spins result in sharpened mental acuity.



Resets healthy

sleep patterns

Increases agility,

coordination, and balance


Slows cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases

Helps elevate mood and reduce feelings of isolation and depression


Improves blood

circulation to the

heart and brain

Helps with flexibility and strength


The Experts Weigh In

Our Latest Webinar!

Presented by Ryan Glatt MS CPT, a trainer and brain-health coach, Brain Health, Exercise & Ping Pong offers a comprehensive view of how exercise affects the brain, and how activities such as ping pong may affect brain health.


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Learn About the Science & More

Browse general resources, articles, list of medical journals, videos and more.

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Ready to Play?

We’ve got everything you need to start playing! Instructional videos, official rules of the game, and special offers from our partners.

Watch tutorials and learn about Ping Pong Therapy and PPG Fitness!


Joola Starter Kits
Get 10% off!

Our Featured Partner, Joola has partnered with PPG to provide portable and retractable nets which transform any table into a ping pong table!

Simply clip it on, and enjoy hours of fun from almost anywhere! A portion of proceeds from all sales will go to organizations supporting brain health.

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Our Partners

More than ever, buyers are choosing to support brands that share their values. By aligning your cause marketing with the PPG movement, you’ll increase brand loyalty and broaden your reach.

Interested in Partnership? Contact Us

Ping Pong at Any Age!


Meet Eileen Greene

Spectrum News features Ping Pong for Good’s 91 years young inspiration Eileen Greene. Watch Eileen in action and learn how her journey with ping pong has kept her mind sharp and her spirits up!

What’s Your Ping Pong Journey?

We’d love to hear how Ping Pong has improved your life! To share your story for a chance to be featured on our blog, contact us

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