Ping Pong.
The Perfect Brain Game.
Ping Pong for Good is a movement for brain health. We're on a mission to improve the lives of those living with neurological conditions and to help people maintain better brain health as they age. With your support, we can achieve the following objectives:
Raise awareness about the importance of exercise, brain health, and the many therapeutic benefits of playing ping pong, especially for those living with neurological conditions
Widespread adoption of ping pong as exercise and therapy, especially for the treatment of neurological conditions and for active aging. We envision Ping Pong Therapy in physical therapy offices, rehabilitation centers & assisted living facilities and Ping Pong Fitness activated in schools, gyms, YMCA’s & community centers.
Make playing ping pong accessible to all, anytime, anywhere, intergenerationally
Support clinical research to develop more protocols of treatment and widespread adoption